One week to go

Today is my second day of maternity leave. Baby Isabella (or Jake?) is due Monday the 8th. She is currently very active, she must be ready to come out soon. I am torn between wanting to get on with it, and wanting to delay the moment, knowing nothing will be the same again.
I am living in Manhattan, NY far away from my homeland, England. It is hot and sticky outside, so I am in our 15th floor apartment. I should have the air-con on, but instead I am sitting here sweating. Nice. What do you do other than wait? Rarely in my life have I had any time on my hands that wasn't filled with work, study or planned holiday. I have to stop myself from peeking at my work email, and remember I am supposed to be resting before the big event.
Being the organised types everything is ready. We (Malcolm = dad to be, and myself) were both incredibly overwhelmed by the American tradition of babyshowers. Through the generosity of our family, friends and colleagues just about everything we needed was bought for us. Both amazing and unexpected.
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