Eat your heart out...
Went for the 2 week check-up. Had noticed that Izzy was putting a bit of weight on around the thighs (her genetics will have pre-dispositioned her to this, so no great surprise). Anyway turns out she has gained 19oz in the first 2 weeks getting to 8lbs 13oz, and grown an inch!

Goodness, maybe she has been popping out to McDonalds when I wasn't looking. I guess the milk really is in. No wonder my boobs are starting to resemble weapons of mass destruction. Ho hum.
Malc. went back to work at the end of last week, and my mum came out last weekend, so I still have some help on hand. Isabella has been acting more of a Scarlett this week, with plenty of screaming (see picture) and crying and red face action. Thankfully she is good at night though - probably wears herself out by day. Got to go now, Scarlett is calling.
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