Isabella is getting much more mobile. She lifts her bum up when on her belly, and goes backwards in a sort of backwards crawl. She hasn't worked out how to go forwards, so gets further away from the item she wants. In her crib at night she has also worked out how to roll over on to her tummy.

However she hasn't yet worked out how to sleep on her tummy. Couple this with her ability to crawl backwards we sometimes find a very bemused girl at the bottom of her cot moaning cos she can't work out how to sleep.

Tried ignoring her, thinking she'll eventually work out how to sleep. However this generally results in none of us geting any sleep which isn't a great option. They are busy teaching her to stand at DayCare. They have a baby height bar with a mirror (bit like ballet school for babies) where they stand. They tell me she stood on her own without the bar for "quite a while" today a few times. I struggle to believe this, as much as I like the idea of having such a balanced baby. She is pulling herself to semi standing on various handy objects so we put the side of the cot down in anticipation of that day we walk in to her room and find her stood up in her cot (as opposed to on the floor screaming next to it).
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