General News
So what's new. Since we got back from holidays, we moved Bella in to a different bedroom (downstairs). She has a proper bed (albeit toddler size) and all her toys. She has a bedside light which she can switch on off for hours and she can also open the door in to the rest of the house. So she now has the freedom of the downstairs. Apart from one night she doesn't insist on coming out, although she does shout for us at the top of her voice when she wants us. Good thing is, now her toys are all in there, the rest of the house looks less like a creche. She know the cot and her old room is for the baby and seems OK with this. Hopefully this will continue.
After a rough couple of days she's settled back in to creche just fine. Runs off happily in the morning to play with her friends. Her French has come back again, and she seems pretty bilingual to the extent that a 2 year old can be. She likes to sing songs and say nursery rhymes, although they are normally a special abridged version. e.g. "rock a bye baby,..tree.. baby fall down, bang.." as she drops her doll on the floor. And her favourite "baa baa black sheep, any smelly socks?" this one she learnt from Maddy on holiday. Hours of fun.
I finish work this Friday. Hurrah. I had a 3rd trimestre scan and was told the baby was very big and I might need to consider my options. Considered crash diet option or taking up smoking, but think it is too late for that. Not entirely sure what this means, but am seeing my OB this weekend so will see what my options might be, hoping to avoid anything involving knives or scissors. The official French due date is November the 2nd (41 weeks), the official UK/US due date is one week earlier (40 weeks). Apparently all the other countries in the World got it wrong??? Anyway I feel huge and am hoping not to wait another month. Malc gets 6 weeks paternity leave off (Pfizer US policy) so we are looking forward to that.
Pretty much set-up now, just a few admin things to sort out - like how to get the baby a birth certificate and a name chosen by ourselves and not one approved by the French government. Oh and we haven't actually chosen a name yet.
Anyway enough blah blah. More news soon.
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