Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Doudou Double Trouble

Many of you will know Isabella has a favourite doudou. Doudou is the French word for a child's favourite toy they take everywhere with them. Having a doudou is actively encouraged
here. When Bella first went to creche without a doudou we were told off. So we quickly instated one. It was a stripey blanket with a rabbit attached. We quickly realised this wasn't the best choice as she started to look like Linus (or whatever he's called off Charle Brown) as she dragged this thing around the floor with her. So we modified the usual custom and turned this doudou in to "stay-at-home doudou". Bella now happily takes a differnt soft toy in to creche every day and calls it her doudou, much to the concern of the French staff there. Anyway she seems to survive. Point of the story however is the original stripey doudou, became a real doudou, and must be available at bed time, or when upset at home. Doudou after many washes is looking a bit worn. Unfortunately it is no longer available to buy. So when Granny was here with her nimble fingers we hatched a plan. We agreed with Bella that we would cut doudou in half. We (Granny) sewed Jo the Cat on to the second half. The idea was that we could put one away, so there would always be a spare one. Unfortunately we didn't quite execute the plan, so now we have double trouble everynight when we have to find both rabbit doudou and Jo the Cat doudou. Oooops.


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