Monday, April 07, 2008

Seb's 5 month check-up

Sebastian went for his should be 6-month but we're moving so did it early check-up. Was thinking as he had had sickness and diarrohea, followed by a cold, that his weight gain might not have been so meteroric this month. I was wrong. He had another injection. He cried, and the Doctor said it was because he was all skin and bone and had no protection, demonstrating he did have a sense of humour after all. For the record here are his statistics:

5 months 1 week

8.6 kg (enormous)
66cm tall (above average)
44.8 cm head (very big)

So we continue Sebastian's exercise regime. He can now push backwards across the room on his duck wheels. He's not keen on dieting though. He's happily eating all the mush we give him, and complains when he doesn't get as much formula.


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