Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oliver's Birthday

It was Oliver's 4th birthday last weekend, and our only social engagement of any note. It was fancy dress so Bella went as Belle (from Beauty and the Beast). When Granny and Grandad recently visited (and looked after the kids whilst we went away) they kindly brought Bella three dresses (Belle, Snow White/White Hurst as Bella refers to her and Minnie Mouse) something to do with the hairdressers daughter. Anyway Bella loves dressing up as a princess or fairy, and now she has an even bigger collection to choose from, and Belle is the current favourite. Sebastian went as a little monkey, although by the time we took any photos the sweat-suit was off. In fact as I look at the pictures it seems apart from Oliver no other boys were in fancy dress. Hmmm see previous post

and now for a disappearing trick

Musical statues


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