Bella's first trip to the ER
Pimpa called me at work on Friday to say Bella had taken a tumble down a couple of steps outside, whilst trying to carry her doll up (in her stroller), and she thought maybe she needed checking out. When I got home it was apparent her right shoulder was very droopy and painful when touched, although she wasn't actually crying. So we went to the local ER in Nyon. As Chris once found out after his mountain biking accident, there is not much of an emergency atmosphere in Nyon. Although it did suddenly click as to why people are called patients, it's really a typo, they should be called patience. After a couple of hours wait, having brushed up my French on translation of Barbar au Chateau, eventually we got to go to x-ray. I had thought maybe the shoulder was dislocated, however turns out she had broken her right collar bone. Ooops. About 5:45 we had a shift change when malc brought her some clothes she could go home in, and I went home to relieve Pimpa, alhtough she wasn't so relieved when she heard about the broken bone. But as I said these things happen, really kids fall down steps and do silly things when you're not looking, not her fault.
So what treatment? Just a small bandage in the figure of 8 pulling her shoulders back and lots of pain killers. Well she slept amazingly well, but woke up in pain. I was all ready for a day on the sofa watching DVDs, but Malc said we should carry on as normal and see how she did. Turns out Malc was right, there went my day on the sofa. Unbelievably she almost carried on as if nothing had happened. If I hadn't seen the x-ray I would hardly have believed it. We took down the pain meds a notch today as although she's careful what she does, she seems to be trying to be a bit too normal, getting on the trampoline with Oliver (??). It should take 4-6 weeks to mend, so we've a way to go. Crazy to think she got through the ski season and now this?
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