The highlights and lowlights of the last 40 weeks

Well I am still here, progress is good. We have engagement, effacing (75%) and dilation (1cm) all happening. By the way, this blog is not for the faint hearted, so if you find these terms offensive stop reading now.
Thought I would look back over the last 40 weeks and note some of the more memorable moments, before my memory is wiped by the birth hormones which apparently make you forget the nasty stuff as you are bathed in the miracle of childbirth (hmmmm can't wait)
Sailing for a week in the British Virgin Islands at 8 weeks pregnant over Christmas/New Year with Chris, Una and Malc. Competent crew Kate turned out to be sleeping, snacking, nauseous crew, I could smell land long before we could see it. Beautiful place, must go back some day.
The first 5 months of my pregnancy spending Monday to Friday in Toronto. 12 hour days in sub zero temperatures, leading a major systems integration project when all I wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep. Thankfully a successful go-live end of February had me back in NYC by start of April (after 11 months of blood, sweat and tears).
The American healthcare system - some people believe it's the best in the World. Well I can tell you it's the most expensive in the World, possibly the most confusing, and for the average person on the street I'd take the National Health Service any day. Consumer choice can be taken to far, especially when the consumer isn't paying, and hasn't spent 7 years at medical school to know what's best for them. It's enough to turn you in to a paranoid neurotic mother to be. Pass me another legal disclaimer and let's get on with it.
Now lets talk about something good.
Skiing at Jackson's Hole at 20 weeks. Going down the Hobacks in deep powder, some perfect ski days, perfecting my sit down backwards falls to protect baby, doing the occasional somersault in soft powder.
All those extra guilt free cakes and chocolate, and not having to worry about what I looked like at the beach (until next year!)
The generosity of family, friends and colleagues. The surprise baby shower at work, rarely am I so overwhelmed. Going to the one organised at M's work and surprising him. Now here's a great American tradition I can embrace, and thank you to all those who so generously contributed.
Seeing my mum's face when she attended an ultasound of her first grand child.
Malcolm's support and excitement throughout. His gentle coaching to take it easy and not push the limits. His insistence I wear flat shoes after I fall flat on my face for the third time.
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