4 week check-up
Length 22.5 inches (95th percentile) , weight 9lb, 13oz (78th percentile) can't believe how fast she is growing.
The pediatrician has advised us to start some hard love, leaving her to cry when she is neither hungry, doesn't need changing and isn't in pain, so she can learn to go to sleep without constant hugs and rocks, or my dodgy singing. Bit tough really, but giving it a try, hope the neighbours don't mind! We also put Izzy in her own room last night, without the monitor on, so we don't hear her every sniffle through the night, but can still hear her cries. Went well.
Malc is going away for 8 days now, and mum has gone home, so it's me and Izzy 24hrs a day! Going to be interesting.
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