Saturday, March 08, 2008

Costaud comme un Super-Heros

Apologies for the short intermission. We have had technical difficulties here in Paris. I guess given my job title I should know how to get them fixed, however my management capabilities seem to be a little lost in translation! or is it the famous service culture we have here...
Anyway we have at least a temporary fix, so here are some recent piccies.

Sebastian went to his 4 month check-up. Knowing how impressed the doctor is with his weight gain (???!!!) I put him in his special "Costaud comme un super heros" onesie. Not only is my management talent lost in translation it appears my sense of humour is too. Ha.ha. Anyway having convinced him I only give Sebastian 4 bottles a day now (true) he advised that I start him on solids. Below you can see Bella celebrating his promotion to high chair (wearing her ballerina outfit - probably not her future career)

We went for a day out to the big cat park. Many of you will know Bella is very nervous with animals. Recent incidents include "Mummy that sparrow is staring at me..." and running screaming in to the room where I was because she was scared of the cat on Cinderella. Hmmm, so we thought a big cat park might do the trick... We had a nice day out saw lots of big lions and tigers etc. Bella used the binoculours - backwards. She also fed the goats popcorn, "one for you, one for me". Sebastian didn't seem overly impressed, but came aong for the ride anyway.


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