Sunday, April 13, 2008

Meet Tom

You may remember the day before Bella was born we bought her some NY Art as her birth present. Well we weren't so organised in Paris, so thought we'd better go and get him something before we left. He really likes watching Juliette, the springy steel lady statue made by a French artist Magni, so we bought him a little boy statue called Tom. Bella hasn't shown much sibling rivalry with Sebastian, however the first morning Bella saw Sebastian she later announced to me that Tom was for Sebastian and Juliette was for Bella. When I asked Malc if this is what he had told her, he said not. Hmmmm. Here's Juliette and Tom together



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move!!! The little ones look adorable. I love the mini me photos, kate. Good luck with the move, we'll be thinking of you. Good luck with the house too, it seems massive after being in the city; but - they fill up shockingly quickly!
jenna & michael

4:42 AM  

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