Christmas in Siviez
So we had a long break in the mountains over Christmas and New Year. Bella went to ski school every day, and we skied in the mornings too whilst Sebby went to creche. We also got Sebby some skis and boots so he could join in in the afternoons with a bit of skiing and sledging. He enjoyed he skiing, but not sure my back did...he wasn't exactly helping much. Bella got the "Bronze Mouse" medal at the end of the week, so she is back at the level from the end of last season, which is great. The conditions were very mixed with everything from sun, rain, blizzards, deep powder and ice. Some days the skiing was great others you couldn't see a thing and felt like a complete beginner, the final day was so cold Bella left the slopes in tears, and took half an hour to thaw out. I knew how she felt. I also had a sense of humour failure a couple of days earlir when after a serious dump of snow I followed our expert friends in to the powder field, and swiftly regretted it. I spent the next half an hour falling over head first in thigh deep powder, struggling to get back up again, knowing I was only going to do it agian, but with no choice as once committed that was it. I was relieved the following day to be back on the piste again, only to be wiped out by a Swiss skiier. After cartwheeling down the slope turned out I was OK, apart from a rather large bruise on my leg and a minor case of whiplash. Hmmm, so a mixed start to the ski season! Am looking forward to some more predictable weather.
Looks Fab!
sebastian looks like a mini malcolm! xox
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