Just the two of us
We're still getting pressies, here's a hand knitted cardie and little shoes from one of M's former teachers.

Malcolm is due back in 2 hours after his 8 day stint away. How did it go for us? Well it went really well actually. Made me get off my butt and do a few things. Went to Tribeca Mammas and Baby Group. Weird, I never imagined doing that sort of thing, however it was great to meet with other mothers of babies (less than 3 months), to find out Izzy is not the only one with Baby Acne and other such gems! Yes indeed spots are the order of the day, so no close up photos for a few weeks till it clears. Signed up for Mommy and Baby Yoga staring this week too, and joined another group from Hudson River Park. Most time still spent working around baby schedule. I can now shower, wash and dry hair and have breakfast and be out of the house by 9:15 with Izzy. Feels like an achievement to me. Also she is now a happy bather, so that's progress too. She is sleeping in her own room and the big cot without much fuss. Not too keen on day time naps, in fact I haven't been swaddling her since she went in her cot, but I swaddled her today for lunch time nap (now) and she went down well after initial fuss. At night she goes to sleep between 6:30 and 7:00pm and then she goes in to a deep sleep. I wake her at 10pm for a feed to get her as far through the night as poss. however she really is sleepy and doesn't always want to feed, is this cruel?. Either way she then sleeps till 3-4am, has a feed and then sleeps through till 7am. The aim is clearly to get her to sleep after 10pm till 7am, and eventually from 7 till 7.
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