And finally we're here
Well what a whirlwind that was. We are now in Paris, and it feels like New York was all a distant dream.
We aren't exactly settled yet. We have 3 blowup beds, a portable crib, 3 camp chairs, a computer and some pots and pans and some wine glasses. All the essentials it appears. Actually not quite, next door lent us a bridge table and 2 chairs, so we now we can spend our evenings playing bridge...only joking, we don't have enough friends for that.
We have been shopping crazy and bought lots of electrical appliances, including a very large TV. Right now we get 11 French TV channels...please see ealier reference to playing bridge.
I spend most of my days waiting for delivery men, and realising how hard it is to look after a small child at home keeping her from doing herself a mischief, and staying sane.
Oh yes, we also got a new addition to the family, Juliette, a rather bouncy iron lady, about my height but slightly wider in the hip

I'm a bit out of date with the photos so will post a few from the last few weeks.
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