Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas in Paris

Having spent the week doing nothing except doctors appointments, we decided a little Christmas spirit was called for. So on Saturday morning mum and I got Bella and Sebastian loaded in to the car and off we went to the Grand Magasins of Paris, to check out the windows, the decorations and other Chistmassy delights, along with the toy section. Strangely there wasn't a father christmas in sight, wierd I know he delivers to France, guess he just doesn't hang out here. We saw some nice windows (white penguins, dogs, teddies...) , a large polar bear (white), an arctic grotto (white sheets, some sparky baubles and some open freezer cabinets.), all in a tasteful white a silver theme. I think we lived in the States too long as it all seemed a little understated. Isabella enjoyed it anyway, and got to play with lots of toys.

As the day wore on, the crowds arrived and I was seriously considering signing up for some physchotherapy sessions. Why I thought going to the biggest stores in Paris two Saturday's before Christmas with a toddler and a baby was a "little light relief" I have no idea.

OK, I know, I'm just off to work on my Chrstmas Spirit...ha.ha.


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