Monday, December 17, 2007

Doctor Who?

A sample from the current medicines (and a cork-screw)

This was the week that was, and what a week. On our return from the chateau on Monday Malc flew off to San Antonio for his first day back at work for 6 weeks. Reserve forces flew in, my mum. On Tuesday I decided to take Sebastian to the doctors as he had a bad cold and cough. We'd all had it, and I thought it would just pass Sebatsian but after a few days as the cough got worse and the various choking sounds became unbearable, decided it was time to check it out.

Turns out he had bronchitis. On Tuesday I also had my first post-natal physiotherapy appointment, and Bella had an appointment with the dermatologist to check out her moles virus. Being in the city one doesn't go to the doctors in the car. So I spent the day running around the 16th arrondissement, calling mum and the nanny to turn up at various appointments (in the pouring rain). By the end of the day I was exhausted and had a handful of prescriptions to collect.
For the rest of the week Sebastian had to go to a daily session of physio-therapy. Now I know why they call them physio-terrorists. Have you ever seen a baby undergo physiotherapy for bronchitis? Goodness me, not something you want to witness too often. One hand on the abdomen, one over the chest they pump down with every exhale to pump the phlegm out of the lungs. Lots of screaming, only lasts 10 minutes a session thank goodness. However the crying seemed to continue for a long while afterwards. Well it looks like it works as the cough has gone. I may have to deal with his deep seated fear of doctors for the rest of his life though. I also had more physio-therapy sessions last week. So I really did spend the whole week going to various appointments, and administering various ointments and medicines morning, noon and night.

See the next post for how we had a little light relief on Saturday.


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