Seems like 8 months is a time for lots of milestones.
Isabella is now crawling forwards, instead of moving backwards. Actually she still goes backwards as well. She can get in to seated from any starting position, even whilst in the bath. She can pull herself to standing on suitable objects (and unsuitable objects). Of course this is very exciting, but it also means she needs careful watching, as she hasn't yet got spacial awareness of what's around her and the consequences of letting go, or diving headfirst off a high object.
On the medical front, she has had her first fever, and was sent home from Daycare. She has thrown up for real, a few times now. I like to think it was the fever but I actually think it was me being a little ambitious with what I fed her (maybe a combination of the above). Had her first cheerios, which seem to be a staple of most kids diets around here. She also has a nice case of eczema. Teeth still pushing through, expect to see more soon.
She is having separation and stranger anxiety which she didn't used to have, and still needs to work on her sensitivity to skin colour.
She had her first official school photo yesterday. We haven't seen them yet, but am interested to see how they managed to line 9 babies up in a row and have them smile.