Sunday, April 30, 2006

An Elmo Party

We went to Charlotte's first birthday party on Sunday, it was an Elmo theme. There was an entertainer for singing and music, and Izzy had a good old shake of the shakers. She also picked the string (with a little help from dad) on the Elmo Pinata that released all the goodies. Much fun was had, including her first piece of choclate muffin. Yum yum.

Cherry Blossom

It's cherry bloosom season so we went to the festival at Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Beautiful, but very busy.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A day with Nanna

My mum's here to stay for a few days. Day care was closed on Friday so she and Isabella spent the day together, having fun in the park.

Does my bum look big in this?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

8 month check-up

Here she is crawling...and the latest results from her doctor's visit.

8 months 5 days

height 28.5 ins 72.4 cm 92 %ile
weight 19 lb 10 oz 8.9 kg 78%ile
head 47.0 cm 97%ile

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lots of Milestones

Seems like 8 months is a time for lots of milestones.

Isabella is now crawling forwards, instead of moving backwards. Actually she still goes backwards as well. She can get in to seated from any starting position, even whilst in the bath. She can pull herself to standing on suitable objects (and unsuitable objects). Of course this is very exciting, but it also means she needs careful watching, as she hasn't yet got spacial awareness of what's around her and the consequences of letting go, or diving headfirst off a high object.

On the medical front, she has had her first fever, and was sent home from Daycare. She has thrown up for real, a few times now. I like to think it was the fever but I actually think it was me being a little ambitious with what I fed her (maybe a combination of the above). Had her first cheerios, which seem to be a staple of most kids diets around here. She also has a nice case of eczema. Teeth still pushing through, expect to see more soon.

She is having separation and stranger anxiety which she didn't used to have, and still needs to work on her sensitivity to skin colour.

She had her first official school photo yesterday. We haven't seen them yet, but am interested to see how they managed to line 9 babies up in a row and have them smile.

The Easter Bunny goes to the Hamptons

We went to the Hamptons for Easter. Our next door neighbours Elena and Ricardo and 18 month Matteo have a house there, and they kindly invited us. It was a beautiful weekend for weather. Lots of kids there, and lots of Easter fun. An egg hunt, Easter Bunny presents, egg dyeing...Isabella was a little young but she enjoyed it, as did we.

Various photos, one where Isabella wasn't happy as Matteo walks in front of her watching Baby Einstein. A couple in the garden in the sunshine. Malc tries to cure the eczema by a 5 minute blast of sunshine. Isabella takes the I'm teething tongue out pose. Malc. plays in the sandpit with Lucas, and Lucas, Valeria and Bella play with the toys and the easter presents.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Major Milestone Alert....

The first tooth is finally here, it's broken through the gum...bottom left on the photo. You can't exactly see it here, but trust me it's through. Expect cute toothy pictures soon.