Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Family Trip to the Hairdressers

The snow was so rubbish last weekend we decided not to go this weeked, or indeed until the next decent snow fall. So we are having a busy weekend at home.

Bella has been asking to have her hair cut short in to a bob for the longest time. I always loved her short bobbed hair, but she has been growing it for 2 years, so I have been putting her off. However her persistancy has continued so we went en famille to the hairdressers, and three members of the family are now the proud owners of new haircuts. Bella has now entered the cycle we females all enter...grow hair, grow hair, cut it all off. Grow hair , grow hair, cut it all off. It looks great, but takes a bit of getting used to again

We then went to Decathlon in France. Main reason was to buy myself a road bike and Bella a new bike, to replace the nasty small pink one I bought for her from the second hand market in Divonne 2 years ago... We bought the bikes. Very happy with mine, just need to remember to use it now. Bella also has a nice new bike to learn to ride on. Malcolm insists it isn't necessary for a child to be able to put the feet on the floor when they are sat on the seat. Have to say I'm not convinced, but am sure she'll grow in to it. WHilst we were there we bought lots of stuff. For those of you who haven't been to Decathlon, it's the Ikea of sports shops. You go there with the intention of buying one thing and come out with tonnes of things you didn't plan for, but they just seemed so cheap and necessary. So Bella also kitted out with in-line skates, and Sebby with a rather large skateboard (?) amongst other things. I can see a few more trips to the E.R. on the horizon.

Sebbys gets a stitch

Friday evening Sebby slipped and fell at home, and hit his chin on the floor. This resulted in a gash. Dr. Malc wasn't at home, so after stopping the blood and calming him down I decided to consult Dr. Google to see just when stitches were appropriate, before going to the ER. Wasn't entirely clear and seemed a borderline case. I called the hospital to check, but my French was somehow lacking in appropriate vocabulary. Dr. Malc turned up, and after initially thinking not, we decided a trip was worthwhile. Malc was the lucky winner of a trip to the local E.R. A couple of hours later Seb returned with one stitch to his name. He is fine, although this, coupled with his annual bout of unbelievably awful coughing all night every night, doesn't make for much sleep at the moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Boys' weekend

Whilst Bella and I went to London, Malc and Seb went to stay with his brother Alan and family, Hilary, Ivor and George near Cambridge. Sebby loved hanging out with Ivor and George his big cousins. They went to Duxford aviation museum and had lots of fun in the garden of the new house.

Girls' Weekend

A while ago, well before Christmas I was looking to book for Bella and I to go and see the Nutcracker Ballet. However being a bit culture starved around here, I ended up on the Covent Garden web site and ended up booking Swan Lake in London. We decided to have a girl's weekend in London. Originally was going to stay with Jo, but then decided to book a swish central hotel - St Martin's Lane, so we could get out and about easier. What a great plan. Apart from the freezing cold weather (and yes I can say that despite living in Switzerland) we had a fabulous time. As it turned out, it was Jo's last weekend in London, before they migrated en famille to Australia, so they came in to see us for breakfast which was great.
After a bit of shopping and a couple of new pairs of shoes (one each) later, we went off to Covent Garden. We were on the second row of orchestra stalls, had completely fogotten what seats I had booked, so we had a great view, and the show really was spectacular.

That evening Bella had the choice of any (child friendly) restaurant on London, but she decided she wanted room service, having been outside all day. So we ordered a DVD and had dinner in our room. I oredred from the very trendy restaurant Asia de Cuba down stairs. We looked like a pair of country yokels every time we ventured through the lobby. Ha.ha. We had a rude awakeneing at 3a.m. with a fire alarm, which had us on the freezing street with a bunch of drunk party people for half an hour. After the firemen visited and agreed it was a false alarm we were allowed back in. Sunday morning we went to see the Tower of London, and the Crown Jewels, and after lunch we headed back.

Ski Week

Some other photos from half term ski week. Was a great week, Carl, Sue, Cameron and Holly were up; Cath, Matt, Poppy and Rosie stayed with us for the first half; and Richard, Rachel, Polly and Oliver were also up. We had some fresh snow, thank goodness, but lots of lovely sunshine too. Carl took us down some great off piste. Back on the piste Holly was Bella's guide (and Sue mine). Poppy and Rosie did well, and everyone had fun.

Medal Time again

Proud medal owners

Bella's class - also in the middle, Oliver on LHS

Sebby's class - Seb in middle, in devil helmet

As you can see from the videos Bella and Sebby have made great progress this season. It is Sebby's first season, and he's found the speed button, all we need now is for him to remember to turn a bit more frequently. Bella has made huge progress too, and she was delighted when she got her latest medal. The first time I think she's actually smiled at medal time. She did give me a bit of a shock the following day when she skied off the edge of the piste down a small cliff, but thankfully after a small mummy rescue mission, after which I too had to be rescued, all was well.

Sebby's skiing demo

Bella's skiing demo