New Friends and Stairs in the UK
We went to the UK before arriving in Paris. First we all went to Macclesfield to see our parents. Here Isabella learnt all about stairs and how to go up and come down. Being a New York gal apart from the odd set of steps in the playground, stairs and especially carpeted stairs were something of a novelty. She also learnt about fish fingers and Heinz spaghetti hoops. Yum yum.
After Macc, Malc flew to Paris. Isabella and I went to London and did a tour of friends with babies (and baby friendly houses). We spent a lot of time with Cath and Poppy. Poppy was newly walking so Isabella kindly offered to hold her reigns around the zoo. Slow progress indeed. They had lots of fun "sharing" toys.

Next we went to see Maria and George, the main theme here was water. They shared a lovely bath together. Earlier in the day they shared a not so lovely bucket of water and hosepipe. Hours of fun, although I think they both came down with a mild strain of legionnaires disease (or something) afterwards...
Finally we stayed with Evelyn, Stuart and Orla. We only had an evening, but Orla was very excited to show Izzy her things, until she borrowed her high chair, and then she wasn't so sure for a moment. Isabella let her hold monkey in return (very generous).
Then we flew to Paris our new home.