Nounou Double Vision
Nounou is French for Nanny, see you can all speak French now. Since Bella started at creche a year ago she has had a Nounou called Genevieve who collects her in the afternoon, takes her to the park if it's nice or the cafe if it's not, then brings her home. Genevieve is French and has taught Bella lots of things about growing up, and helped develop Bella's French and her ability to enjoy vegetables amongst other things. Now as we're soon to be moving on, and Genevieve has lots of interests in many areas, we all agreed that Genevieve would move on to a super opportunity she has working afternoons in the Marie. Although I'm not working at the moment we decided Bella would still go to creche 4 half days a week as it's her place, and she has lots of friends and structured fun there (not to mention my sanity).
The creche is quite a distance away from the house (2 miles), and the hours don't really work with Sebastian's routine. So we decided to do a swap and get a nounou (Jill from the Philippines - living in Paris) for Sebastian in the afternoons (2-6) instead. So now I can go and collect Bella, and we get some girl time together, as we walk back via the park, cafes and shops, which is great.