Bella's first trip to the ER
Seb hasn't had a haircut yet, and he's growing some lovely curls. More curly than Bella's was if I'm not much mistaken. He will soon be mistaken for a girl if he isn't already and he will need a trip to the hairdressers. So don't all kill me when he has his hair cut, I know it's cute, but he'll be needing ribbons soon.
Well it looks like Summer is here, and the snow is finally melting. After a fabulous snow season we went up to Siviez at Easter for what is probably the last ski this season. As is the tradition (apparently) the ski school where Bella goes organise a Ski race for the families, involving a Grand Slalom part way down a red run. (Greppon Blanc) for those who know the area. As getting to the race involved skiing and a button lift, I valiantly agreed to stay home with Sebby. (Nothing to do with not wanting to enter a competition I had no chance of winning). Malc rather more valiantly went off with Bella and took her on her first button lift, which deserves a prize in itself. She followed our friend Carl down the slalom, and was closely followed by Sue in case she went careering out of control. But she finished the course in something over 2 minutes without missing a turn or losing a ski, unlike the brave little boy who took 6 minutes (no not Malc.).
We left the apartment all spic and span ready for the Summer hiking and mountain biking season, and moved the snow gear down to the cave.
Spring arrived suddenly in Switzerland. We had a little egg hunt the weekend before Easter as Polly and Oliver were heading back to the UK for Easter. They had to be quick as all the eggs started melting. What may look like a lovely wild meadow is actually are lawn waiting for its first mow of the season. Could probably do with a large dose of weed killer, but if we killed all the wild things there wouldn't be much lawn left.