Saturday, August 27, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
10 things I have learnt in the first week...

1) Mum is not a pacifier (dummy), don't let baby hang on in there too long
2) A pacifier however can have a time and place
3) Do not pick up baby every time she whimpers
4) Do pick up baby when she makes blood curdling screams
5) Baby likes to hold her breath at night to check you are awake
6) That look of concentration means there is a diaper explosion on its way
7) Waiting til you've just had a diaper changed to fill another is a source of much amusement
8) Despite spending 9 months in fluid, water is not baby's best friend
9) Don't be jealous that baby has longer finger nails than mum, get out the nail file as they can be a dangerous weapon
10) Every day brings with it new surprises
Monday, August 22, 2005
The birth story..only for those really interested!
Sunday 14th August
4:30pm started timing contractions. 3-6 mins apart, lasting 45-60 seconds. Ouch. After an hour of this called hospital at 5:30pm as had been advised. OB called back about 6pm. She suggested as I couldn't speak to her during the contraction that I should go to the hospital. We set off walking, which had seemed like a good plan, as hospital only 10 mins walk away. However with contractions it turned out to be half an hour away with lots of stops along the way.
6:45pm admitted to the labour and delivery ward. 5-6cm dilated. Was pleased as had managed a couple of hours of active labour already to get this far. I requested the epidural, knowing it can take a while to get the anesthesiologist.
Went to my nice birthing suite! Was hooked up to penicillin IV for GBS bacteria, harmless for mum, but harmful for baby. Blood pressure and pulse-ox monitor attached to second arm. Baby heart monitor attached to tummy. Contraction monitor attached to tummy. Both of these producing nice little graphs, and I became a prisoner in my bed. The contraction monitor drew a mountain range, between 0 and 10000 high. Not sure what the scale was, other than the higher the mountain the greater the pain. I was hanging around 5-6000+, a bit of a Kilimanjaro really (metres).
8:15pm epidural administered, after my peak of Aconcagua at 7,000. Thank goodness, I always planned to leave Aconcagua for the experts. Contractions stopped, and all pain disappeared. Hurrah was a blessed relief by this point, after 4 hours of active labour. Eventually the contractions came back
10pm I was 9cm and they broke my water. Baby was at zero station.
Monday 15th August
Midnight after 4 hours of totally pain free labour I was fully dilated at 10cm. At this point they told me they were turning off the epidural, as I needed to feel the pain to give birth. Hmmm, was a little disappointed, had enjoyed the last 4 hours, but in no position to argue.
1:45am finally I could feel the pain again, and baby was at +2 station and it was time to push. 9 months of waiting and the time had come.
2:45am, one hour of pushing, with contractions every 4 minutes. It was like getting the bus to Everest Camp Four and then getting off and walking up the last stretch. Malcolm the nurse and the doctors were the sherpas, supporting me all the way. The pain definitely was a motivator and with the final I can't take any more push, Isabella came flying out. It all turned very medical at this point, with gowns and face masks, buckets and plastic sheets and goodness knows what else. They fixed me up, and the cleaned Isabella up. I was in shock for sure at the hugeness of the whole event going on around me. The pediatrician checked Izzy out, everything fine and then she was mine to hold. Oh my goodness what a night.
3:15am Izzy went to the nursery to be weighed, measured, injected, cleaned and whatever else they do. She came back an hour or so later and mum and dad started the bonding process.
So all in all how as it? Actually having heard so many stories about 24 hour labours, emergency C-sections, 3 hours of pushing I was really pleased and felt relieved everything had gone so smoothly. The epidural was truly my saviour as it gave me 5 hours of pain free rest before the final push, yet I still had the pain before and after so I definitely got the real experience. Anyway to each is own, it worked for me.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Back Home
Got out of the hospital yesterday. Hurrah. Haven't had a spare minute since then funnily enough. Will update with a few birth stories soon (nice!). However will first post some photos by popular demand...
Monday, August 15, 2005
It's a Girl
After a total of 11 hours of labour with a very helpful epidural, at 2.45am
on the 15th August 2005 baby Isabella joined the world. Weighing in at 7lb
10oz, 20inchs and with a very healthy voice.
Mother and baby are doing great and the City Hall railings proved very
useful on the way here.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Well if I'd known all she wanted to encourage her out was a decent birthday present I could've arranged it earlier. Or was it Sarah's flying cat who jumped on my tummy and hoisted herself up, when I was stood about 5 ft away. And there I was so proud of my stretch mark free tummy only to have it scored by a cat!
So what news? I had a sleepless night as every hour or so a contraction with pain and an urgent need to go to the loo arrived. It's now 5pm ish and the pains have continued on and off throughout the day. All I can say is if this is the easy bit then I'm looking forward to some serious pain relief later. I'm to call the hospital when I've had contractions for an hour 5 minutes apart, I'm starting to time them now cos this is starting to feel like the real thing...
Am off to hospital now, watch this space...
Retail therapy...

Had a little retail therapy today. Bought two canvases by Ed Heck. One for the baby (see picture, it's about 3ft square) and another one commisioned with "2 big fish". A Brooklyn born artist, have admired his art since we first saw it when we first came over, but never took the plunge. But Sarah, who recently bought three, inspired us so we invested.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Can somebody turn the heat down...
OK, still waiting. Have tried hard not to be the sort of person who complains about the weather, especially when it's hot. However when you wake up and it's already 30 degrees (in the 90's) and high humidity outside with no foreseeable change it can be too much. Apparently it's raining in Macclesfield (UK) today, I'm a little bit jealous (only a little bit).
Now from what I understand baby gains an ounce a day every extra day she's inside, which means she's already 5 ounces heavier than on her due date. So just remember that when you all think I've had a huge baby, it wasn't the cake. Mind you I was 8lb 12 oz myself, and I was on time so what does that say.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Not quite Baby Mozart

Went to a free concert on one of the lawns at Battery Park last night. Surrounded by all those Bugaboo types with their proud little offspring, we thought baby might be encouraged to come out to meet her new friends. The singers were Little Anthony and the Imperials, all the way from Brooklyn. I must say I have never heard of them and it wasn't exactly Baby Mozart, however their most famous song is "Tears on my Pillow" which most people know. It was very pleasant and the setting was lovely: Status of Liberty to the South, Empire State to the North, and the sun setting behind Jersey City (??) to the West. Actually we nearly bought a place in Jersey City, but that's another story. Came back had a raspberry leaf tea (thanks Evelyn) and watched another episode of Lost. What happened to Clare and has she still got her baby? Hmmmm slim pickings on TV right now. Slept badly last night, too much cheese methinks. Also laptop in the bedroom decided to reboot itself at 3am, so awoke to a chorus of Microsoft tunes. Well that's my excuse for not getting up till 10.00am.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Maternity Clothes on an eBay site near you soon..
Taken lots of photos of my maternity clothes ready to put them on eBay. Put one blouse on to test the water, could be a mistake as I may be in hospital when I need to handle it. Ooops. Anyway may be a bit premature as despite my eternal optimism I suspect I won't be my pre pregnancy size for a while after birth. I also keep thinking maybe I'm going to have a miraculous birth where I feel no pain, until the last minute, when I have to make a dash across City Hall to the hospital. Ha.ha. The plan is to walk (waddle) to the hospital as it's only a 10 minute walk. By the time we got the car and tried to park it, we'd be back where we started from, further away from the hospital than the apartment. I am assured walking is a reasonable thing to do, and that clinging to the rails of City Hall during a contraction will go unnoticed in this hectic place.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
Today's the theory
August the 8th, the day baby is supposed to arrive. Hmmmm. Not showing any signs yet. Still squirming around and sticking out, but no pain to speak of. Never thought I would be looking forward to pain so much. I'm sleeping a lot and feeling pretty uncomfortable now, and it really is too hot to go outside. Am glad I am not working, although passing the time of day is tough. I have watched about 200 different birth stories on Discovery Health channel. I must be ready for anything. In fact if there isn't a camera crew in the delivery room it won't seem normal...
Friday, August 05, 2005
The highlights and lowlights of the last 40 weeks

Well I am still here, progress is good. We have engagement, effacing (75%) and dilation (1cm) all happening. By the way, this blog is not for the faint hearted, so if you find these terms offensive stop reading now.
Thought I would look back over the last 40 weeks and note some of the more memorable moments, before my memory is wiped by the birth hormones which apparently make you forget the nasty stuff as you are bathed in the miracle of childbirth (hmmmm can't wait)
Sailing for a week in the British Virgin Islands at 8 weeks pregnant over Christmas/New Year with Chris, Una and Malc. Competent crew Kate turned out to be sleeping, snacking, nauseous crew, I could smell land long before we could see it. Beautiful place, must go back some day.
The first 5 months of my pregnancy spending Monday to Friday in Toronto. 12 hour days in sub zero temperatures, leading a major systems integration project when all I wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep. Thankfully a successful go-live end of February had me back in NYC by start of April (after 11 months of blood, sweat and tears).
The American healthcare system - some people believe it's the best in the World. Well I can tell you it's the most expensive in the World, possibly the most confusing, and for the average person on the street I'd take the National Health Service any day. Consumer choice can be taken to far, especially when the consumer isn't paying, and hasn't spent 7 years at medical school to know what's best for them. It's enough to turn you in to a paranoid neurotic mother to be. Pass me another legal disclaimer and let's get on with it.
Now lets talk about something good.
Skiing at Jackson's Hole at 20 weeks. Going down the Hobacks in deep powder, some perfect ski days, perfecting my sit down backwards falls to protect baby, doing the occasional somersault in soft powder.
All those extra guilt free cakes and chocolate, and not having to worry about what I looked like at the beach (until next year!)
The generosity of family, friends and colleagues. The surprise baby shower at work, rarely am I so overwhelmed. Going to the one organised at M's work and surprising him. Now here's a great American tradition I can embrace, and thank you to all those who so generously contributed.
Seeing my mum's face when she attended an ultasound of her first grand child.
Malcolm's support and excitement throughout. His gentle coaching to take it easy and not push the limits. His insistence I wear flat shoes after I fall flat on my face for the third time.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
One week to go

Today is my second day of maternity leave. Baby Isabella (or Jake?) is due Monday the 8th. She is currently very active, she must be ready to come out soon. I am torn between wanting to get on with it, and wanting to delay the moment, knowing nothing will be the same again.
I am living in Manhattan, NY far away from my homeland, England. It is hot and sticky outside, so I am in our 15th floor apartment. I should have the air-con on, but instead I am sitting here sweating. Nice. What do you do other than wait? Rarely in my life have I had any time on my hands that wasn't filled with work, study or planned holiday. I have to stop myself from peeking at my work email, and remember I am supposed to be resting before the big event.
Being the organised types everything is ready. We (Malcolm = dad to be, and myself) were both incredibly overwhelmed by the American tradition of babyshowers. Through the generosity of our family, friends and colleagues just about everything we needed was bought for us. Both amazing and unexpected.