A smile (for daddy)

We have started her on one bottle feed a day (formula) so that she is used to the bottle and will take formula if I can't be around. I pump at the same time to keep up the supplies and have a bit of spare on hand.
Izzy slept from 11pm til 7am last night. She has also done 2 nights this week til 6am. Hurrah. Things are heading in the right direction, thanks to Gina Ford and her baby bootcamp, which we follow with a dose of reality. We were in two minds about schedule versus on demand, however the schedule seems to be working.
We're still getting pressies, here's a hand knitted cardie and little shoes from one of M's former teachers.
Length 22.5 inches (95th percentile) , weight 9lb, 13oz (78th percentile) can't believe how fast she is growing.
Went for the 2 week check-up. Had noticed that Izzy was putting a bit of weight on around the thighs (her genetics will have pre-dispositioned her to this, so no great surprise). Anyway turns out she has gained 19oz in the first 2 weeks getting to 8lbs 13oz, and grown an inch!