Saturday, December 29, 2007
a cousin for Bella and Sebastian.
News of the day, my brother Nick is now a dad to a little girl, Marisa. Born this morning, 8lb 7oz, which given mum Michie is 5ft nothing is pretty impressive.
see as the details come out.
Jingle Bells...
Here's a clip from the creche party. (Taken with the little camera so not brilliant quality, but you'll get the idea...)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Bella's Creche Christmas Party
Just before the holidays started there was a Christmas party at the Creche, to which parents were invited. Being a SAHM for the moment (special mum's code) I went along. There was a puppet show, food and drink (non alcoholic) and a sing-along. Bella seemed to know the words to Jingle Bells in French but I was a little lost.
Images from Christmas 2007
We had a quiet Christmas just the four of us in Paris. It's the first time ever I think I've done Christmas dinner at my own house. It's a very long time since I stayed at home on Christmas, I lived in Macclesfield at the time. Most Christmases I've been somewhere hot, but travelling wasn't top of the agenda this year. So we got a lovely tree, lots of yummy french food and wine, and spent the day eating, drinking and opening presents (mainly Bella's).
We did excursions, including a visit to the Feeries d'Auteuil which included a Christmas market, a number of great nativity scenes and some entertainment including lego and face painting. At some point Sebastian started smiling (once we took the dodgy xmas bib off). Bella wore her xmas pajamas.
Bella's presents included some dressing up clothes from Granny. We also got a new family dog, remembering a dog is for life not just for Christmas, we got an appropriate one. Sebastian graduated to the big bath. Bella shared the bath one night, until Sebastian pee'd, which she wasn't too impressed with.
Bella went on the Big Wheel with Malc, twice, seeing Paris by day and as the sunset (look carefully for the sparkling Eiffel Tower). She went with me to see Noddy (Oui Oui). It was a great show, normal people dressed up as the characters with lots of singing and dancing, however Noddy was put in prison for a while for stealing the weather machine, which was a bit disturbing really. Happily it all turned out fine as really it was the naughty goblins who needed to go to prison having duped Noddy. The theatre looks empty cos we got there early - it was actually very full.
And here are some general snaps...
Time for Sleep - part 2
An update...Christmas Eve Sebastian decided to give us a present of not feeding in the middle of the night. He had a feed at 10:45pm, then woke about 5am. I settled him with a cuddle and some water, then he went back to sleep until I woke him again at 7am. Of course I didn't sleep cos I was wondering why he didn't wake up. Anyway since then if he wakes up between 11and 7 we just settle him, no milk (he truly gets enough milk in the day hours). So he's not sleeping through the night, but he's not feeding, which is a good step.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Time for sleep ?
Here's a picture of Sebastian all ready to go to sleep. We can safely say Bella keeps the record for sleeping through the night. She went through from 6 weeks (11pm -7am) and then at 8 weeks 7pm to 7am. Mind you she hated napping and would cry and cry in protest during the day. Well Sebastian loves to nap, he would nap all day if we let him, which we don't, but it does call for some entertainment to keep him from dropping off. He has a feed between 6-7pm, goes to bed, has a feed between 10 and 11pm back to sleep, then he wakes regularly between 3 and 4 am for another feed, then back to sleep until 7am, when we all get up. So he is on Gina, but not showing much of a leaning of going through the night yet. He is drinking plenty of his formula, such that I was too embarassed to tell the pediatrician exactly how much, of course French babies start as they mean to go on... We on the other hand have guzzling gourmets in our family. I always think it's good to have some extra stores in case of sickness though.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas in Paris
Having spent the week doing nothing except doctors appointments, we decided a little Christmas spirit was called for. So on Saturday morning mum and I got Bella and Sebastian loaded in to the car and off we went to the Grand Magasins of Paris, to check out the windows, the decorations and other Chistmassy delights, along with the toy section. Strangely there wasn't a father christmas in sight, wierd I know he delivers to France, guess he just doesn't hang out here. We saw some nice windows (white penguins, dogs, teddies...) , a large polar bear (white), an arctic grotto (white sheets, some sparky baubles and some open freezer cabinets.), all in a tasteful white a silver theme. I think we lived in the States too long as it all seemed a little understated. Isabella enjoyed it anyway, and got to play with lots of toys.
As the day wore on, the crowds arrived and I was seriously considering signing up for some physchotherapy sessions. Why I thought going to the biggest stores in Paris two Saturday's before Christmas with a toddler and a baby was a "little light relief" I have no idea.
OK, I know, I'm just off to work on my Chrstmas Spirit...ha.ha.
Doctor Who?
This was the week that was, and what a week. On our return from the chateau on Monday Malc flew off to San Antonio for his first day back at work for 6 weeks. Reserve forces flew in, my mum. On Tuesday I decided to take Sebastian to the doctors as he had a bad cold and cough. We'd all had it, and I thought it would just pass Sebatsian but after a few days as the cough got worse and the various choking sounds became unbearable, decided it was time to check it out.
Turns out he had bronchitis. On Tuesday I also had my first post-natal physiotherapy appointment, and Bella had an appointment with the dermatologist to check out her moles virus. Being in the city one doesn't go to the doctors in the car. So I spent the day running around the 16th arrondissement, calling mum and the nanny to turn up at various appointments (in the pouring rain). By the end of the day I was exhausted and had a handful of prescriptions to collect.
For the rest of the week Sebastian had to go to a daily session of physio-therapy. Now I know why they call them physio-terrorists. Have you ever seen a baby undergo physiotherapy for bronchitis? Goodness me, not something you want to witness too often. One hand on the abdomen, one over the chest they pump down with every exhale to pump the phlegm out of the lungs. Lots of screaming, only lasts 10 minutes a session thank goodness. However the crying seemed to continue for a long while afterwards. Well it looks like it works as the cough has gone. I may have to deal with his deep seated fear of doctors for the rest of his life though. I also had more physio-therapy sessions last week. So I really did spend the whole week going to various appointments, and administering various ointments and medicines morning, noon and night.
See the next post for how we had a little light relief on Saturday.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Not my 40th Birthday Party - Chateau Rigaud
Last weekend I had arranged for a small group of close friends (from back in the UK) with their babies/toddlers to meet in a chateau down near Bordeaux. It was the chateau Malc and I and Bella went to earlier this year for a baby and toddler weekend. The weekend was entitled Not Kate's 40th Birthday Party, because it wasn't my 40th birthday...
The chateau, run by an English couple has a fantastic concept of running house parties, perfect for people who like boutique hotel style, but have babies and toddlers. Everything has been thought about, equipment for babies, toys, separate meals, baby listeners (that work through 3 foot thick walls) nannies, everything. Once the kids go to bed, then the adult time starts with champagne cocktails and it goes on from there.
Everyone had a fabulous time...